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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
Not one of my preferred authors, however, Richard Dawkins once wrote "Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn”.
As Benjamin Franklin once famously said: “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail” When the perfect opportunity presents itself will you be ready?
The month of May is all about Roe Buck and there are few better months in which to hunt them.
“Overall numbers of Roe Buck culled in the first three weeks of April far outstrip those coming from other months, of what is, after all, a long season.
With the Roe Buck season due to start in the UK in just three weeks time, we look further afield to France where Pierre-Jean Lacombe recounts the start of last year’s season near Toulouse.
With the October rut underway we provide you with the opportunity to listen to the sounds made by all of the UK's six species of deer.
This month Dr Simon Lee turns detective in a hunt for an elusive problem buck.
Guy Hunter steps back in time, armed with a 1943 .303 Rifle in search of Roe Buck with County Deer Stalking’s James Mott.
James Mott witnesses an unusually late start to the 2015 Roe rut.