Not one of my preferred authors, however, Richard Dawkins once wrote "Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn”.

July 2016 Almanac Im

(Above: Hot humid weather in late July usually signals the start of the Roe rut)

Despite my own personal indifference to Dawkins, it is an insightful observation which since reading it some years ago, has completely changed my perception of nature and my relationship with it. Upon reading you might think that it is a harsh observation, personally I find it reassuring.

Of course this observation is classically Darwinian in tone, however to my mind it also has a simpler application to the way we view our own relationship with the countryside. Put simply, nature does not care about us, it is not an entity that dishes out punishment to some and fortune to others, and so in the context of hunting, when you immerse yourself into the countryside for the forthcoming Roe rut expect to be treated as such.

Last year, avid stalkers around the UK took time from their busy schedules to immerse themselves in nature at a time when it was anticipated to be offering up the thrills and spills of the Roe rut. As chance has it, in the south east at least, the rut did not materialise until a couple of weeks later and even then it was something of a damp squib.

So this year when you set out in search of Roebuck keep Dawkins statement in mind. The countryside into which you blend has no care for the fact that you have a brand new rifle, or that you only have just one day away from work. It is completely indifferent to the fact that you have drawn five previous blanks, or that you are hoping for a warm afternoon. If it so happens that fortune favours you be glad, however, if you see nothing all day and return empty handed, the countryside will be pitiless of your frustration and furrowed brow.

The Roe rut can be one of the most magical spectacles that the British countryside has to offer however, as this year’s Roe rut draws near, it is my advice that if you wish to get the most from your stalking, once you have done all that can reasonably be expected of you, try to enjoy whatever nature has in store, after all, your mind set is’ something that you can control! 

If you’d like to try your luck during this year’s Roe rut, at County Deer Stalking we still have a few dates remaining. As a guide, the rut usually occurs in the south east from late July to early August and is brought on by hot humid weather. Please contact us to discuss availability: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call: 0208 239 7311 / 01403 790244.

If you’d like to watch a film in which we show you ‘How to Call a Roe Buck’ then watch this film:

As for this month’s film, this time we take a break from stalking to introduce what I feel, is the best rifle scope on the market today; namely the innovative new Swarovski Z8i. It’s a remarkable bit of kit and at County Deer stalking we are proud to be premium suppliers of Swarovski Optik. It’s really not difficult to support optics that are this good!

Z8i Film Im

To watch the film simply go to our training films page: training-films

If having seen the film you’d like to purchase the Z8i or any other equipment from Swarovski Optik then needless to say we’ll be delighted to hear from you. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call: 0208 239 7311 / 0203 981 0159

Editorpic150IN Season in England & Wales:  Roebuck, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.

OFF Season in England & Wales: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Sika Stag, Red Hind, Red Stag, CWD Buck & CWD Doe. 

IN Season in Scotland: Roebuck, Red Stag, Sika Stag.

OFF Season in Scotland: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Red Hind. 

(Peter Jones - Editor)




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