The Roe Rut is on.


After my initial apprehensions that the 2012 Roe rut would be delayed because of the bad weather I am pleased to say that the Roe rut in Hampshire is now on.

It seems that the last few days of warmth and blistering sunshine have been enough to encourage the start of rutting activity.

What is more after what was one of my most memorable stalks with one of my clients, David H, we grassed a terrific buck which I have every confidence will be a high medal class animal.  

Having initially spotted the animal at a distance in long grass we approached cautiously to a safe position where we also spotted an accompanying doe.

We then played witness to a truly superb spectacle as the buck proceeded to chase the doe around the field completely oblivious to our presence in his single minded pursuit of his mating rights.   

After watching the display for some ten minutes David was able to pull off a beautifully executed shot from his new quad sticks at around 100yards with his .243 Mannlicher.  All in all one of the most thrilling stalks of the season.  

Photos of David H with his Buck will shortly appear in the gallery. 

Whilst it is somewhat dependant on weather and location, deer stalkers tpically find that the Roe Rut takes place each year between the 20th July and the 10th August.




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