Deer Stalking in Sussex
Deer Stalking in East & West Sussex is traditionaly for Fallow deer. This herding deer species is often associated with parks due to its magnificent appearance, and the impressive palmated antlers of the buck.
These beautiful animals can be found in especially high denisties around the Ashdown Forest area of Sussex where their numbers have reached such high levels, that they are becoming a serious threat to the biodiversity of the landscape and a serious danger to motorists.
Whilst Fallow are the predominant species of deer in Sussex, both East Sussex and West Sussex also offer some good Roe stalking and more recently small numbers of Muntjac.
If you would like to hunt Fallow Deer or other deer species then simply contact us for more information and opportunities. Call 0203 981 0159 / 0208 239 7311 / 07789 747709 or email: