We look at some great news for UK deer stalking qualifications and how our deer are behaving during one of the UK’s busiest months for Roebuck.

Roebuck Licensed 1

It is not often that I hijack these monthly almanacs with news. However, before I look at how our UK deer are behaving during the month of May, I’d like to draw your attention to some important new developments in deer stalker training.

It seems that the world of deer stalker qualifications ‘giveth and taketh away’. No sooner has the Large Game Meat Hygiene element been excluded from the DSC1, it is added to the PDS1.

From May 2022, all candidates taking the PDS1 will also be offered an online course in ‘Large Game Meat Hygiene’ at no extra cost. This is a huge leap forward for the Proficient Deer Stalker Course and one which adds real weight to the PDS1 syllabus.

Large Game Meat Food Hygiene Certificate for Deer StalkersNationally available, LANTRA and UK Rural Skills approved, and now with the addition of a Large Game Meat Hygiene Course, the PDS1 is rightly becoming the UK deer stalking qualification of choice. To read more about the new Game Meat Hygiene Course follow this link: large-game-meat-hygiene-course

For those who are already qualified and looking for a deer stalking syndicate, there is another bit of great news this month.

Having acquired the sole shooting & stalking rights on one of the Southeast’s most prestigious sporting estates, the Capreolus Club has announced further vacancies on its stalking syndicate. 1,000 acres of prime stalking in West Sussex is hard fought these days and is now available to syndicate members along with another 3,000 in seven different areas in the south.

Western Weald Montage

There is not much not to like about unlimited stalking over 4,000 acres of beautiful countryside, all with just 24hrs notice. So, if you are looking to join a professionally run syndicate now is a great time to sign up to Capreolus Club Plus. You can find out more here: deer-stalking-syndicate And to: apply-now

So, what of May? Well, it’s one of the best months of the year for Roebuck. In fact, we hold an event every year called ‘Roebuck May’hem’, quite simply because ‘mayhem’ fittingly describes Roebuck activity in May. Why? well, during May these elegant, much treasured little deer are absorbed in seizing and holding territory against other males for mating rights later in the summer. In this single-minded goal, Roebuck are both active and distracted. Something that plays well into the hands of Roe stalkers.

Thank goodness for Roebuck and this splurge of early summer activity, because in the UK, save for Muntjac, which have no closed season, everything else is protected.

Why not get out in search of Roebuck, (Capreolus- Capreolus) this summer. There is no better place or time to do so than through our Capreolus Club Plus - Stalking Syndicate. Follow this link for details: plus-scheme

Finally, this month’s film, which features our sponsor ‘Swarovski Optik’s’ fabulous dS Scope: youtube.com/watch

Peter Jones 150IN Season in England & Wales:  Roebuck, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.

OFF Season in England & Wales: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Sika Stag, Red Hind, Red Stag, CWD Buck & CWD Doe. 

IN Season in Scotland: Roebuck

OFF Season in Scotland: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Sika Stag, Red Hind, Red Stag. 

(Peter Jones - Editor)




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