There can no longer be any doubt that the 2014 Roe Rut is now underway.

Roe Rut Licensed 1

Whilst there have been a steady stream of sightings over the last few days from locations as far apart as Yorkshire and Devon it has now been apparent to my own eyes that the rut is now in full swing.

At ‘County Deer Stalking’ we have been out capturing footage over the last two previous days for our upcoming film “How to Call a Roe Buck” and what great footage we have. I am delighted to say that we have some epic film footage of Roe Buck charging in to the call like dogs to a whistle!

Buttalo250In fact having predicted the 23d July as the kick off date, we were met by a slightly slow morning with the Roe only showing moderate interest, the evening of the following day however (24th July) proved superb when we first spied a buck ‘nose to tail’ with a doe in the protracted Roe deer’s equivalent of ‘Kiss Chase’. Just twenty minutes into the evening stalk we were also treated to two separate bucks coming to the call from differing directions.

(Left: Have your Roe Calls at the ready)

At any rate, sufficient and indisputable evidence at last that the rut, in Hampshire at least, is with us. What’s more we have some absolutely terrific footage of ‘Roe Calling’. I very much hope that you’ll check back in with us next week when we will be adding this film footage to the site in our next short film.

In the mean time if you can get out into the fields and woods over the next few days you’re sure to be in for some action. 

Our film "How to Call a Roe Buck" will be out on or before the 30th July, look out for it on our 'Short films page': short-films

If you can't wait and need some written tips follow this link: how-to-call-a-roe-buck





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