The UK Shooting & Hunting Academy is now providing a food hygiene course for large game meat that has been developed with deer stalkers in mind.

Large Game Meat Hygiene Deer

Currently, many of those engaged with deer stalking in the UK, have taken deer stalker training courses that empower them to hunt, harvest and consume wild game, whilst having little food hygiene training. This is something that at County Deer Stalking, we feel needed to be addressed and so we are delighted to now include a food hygiene training element to the LANTRA and UKRS approved Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate Level 1 (PDS1), that we believe will be of significant benefit to PDS1 candidates and comes at no extra cost.

This certificated course complies with Food Standards Agency (FSA) guidelines that enable candidates to become trained hunters and place large game meat on the market for human consumption.  

UK Legislation requires that; ‘Persons who hunt wild game with a view to placing it on the market for human consumption, must have sufficient knowledge of the pathology of wild game, and of the production and handling of wild game and wild game meat after hunting, to undertake an initial examination of wild game on the spot’. 

Large Game Meat Food Hygiene Certificate for Deer Stalkers

This expertly delivered, certificated, Large Game Meat Hygiene Course is designed to do just that and complies with FSA guidelines that enable candidates that have also completed the PDS1 Course, to become trained hunters and place large game meat on the market for human consumption.   

Compiled to the satisfaction of current FSA requirements, this online, e-learning course in Large Game Meat Hygiene enables PDS1 candidates to complete an invaluable and detailed course at a time and place that suits them.   

The syllabus is delivered through a series of modules and classes and is assessed through a multiple-choice examination. The course content includes.  

(a) The normal anatomy, physiology, and behaviour of wild game. 

(b) abnormal behaviour and pathological changes in wild game due to diseases, environmental contamination or other factors which may affect human health after consumption. 

(c) the hygiene rules and proper techniques for the handling, transportation, evisceration, etc. of wild game animals after killing.  

(d) legislation and administrative provisions on the animal and public health and hygiene conditions governing the placing on the market of wild game. 

(e) Final exam

To comply with legislative guidance that trained persons placing wild game meat on the market for human consumption should be able to identify abnormal behaviour in deer, it is a requirement that persons undertaking this course should have completed the PDS1 qualification. It is also expected that candidates taking this course should have, or acquire, sufficient ‘in-field’ experience and have carried out a physical inspection of a shot deer. 

To undertake this course simply enrol on the PDS1 and you will be invited to complete the ‘Large Game Meat Hygiene’ element upon completion. To read more about the Large Game Meat Hygiene course via the Hunting Academy follow this link: large-game-meat-hygiene-course

If you have previously taken the PDS1 course prior to the introduction of the Food Hygiene element, you will shortly be contacted with an invitation to complete this element of your hunter training:

If you have any queries about the course, then please feel free to contact us on: 0203 981 0159 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

To enrol on the PDS1 simply follow the link below. Upon completion of the PDS1 Course you will be invited to complete the Large Game Meat Food Hygiene Course: deer-stalking-course





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