Make use of your off cuts of Venison with a first class game recipe from the Award winning 'Wellington Arms'

Game terrine of local venison, rabbit, wood pigeon & pork

with our bramley apple chutney (Serves 10).



VensionTerrine225200g minced venison, shoulder or leg

1 rabbit, boned with heart, kidney and liver

2 wood pigeon, boned with heart and liver

300g free-range belly pork

150g free-range pork fat/ spec

20 thin slices of pancetta

3 juniper berries, crushed

4 bay leaves

2 sprigs of thyme, picked

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

5g salt

8g pepper

4g mace

Bramley apple chutney

1.5kg cooking apples, peeled and diced

350g onions, finely chopped

200g muscavado soft dark brown sugar

400ml malt vinegar

1 tbsp chilli powder/ flakes

200g raisins

2 rhisomes grated ginger

1 tbsp fennel seeds

4 cloves

1 tsp ground coriander seed


To make chutney

Combine all ingredients in a large, heavy saucepan with a lid.

Cook on a medium heat simmering for 1 hour, stirring often

Remove lid and continue cooking for a further hour, or until you have a smooth paste

Store in fridge in an airtight container or bottle in glass jars as we do.

It keeps for a long time.

To make terrine

You may be lucky enough to have a cousin in the family with a gun, to provide you with the odd bit of game, however, if you don’t we suggest you ask your butcher in advance to bone and coarsely mince the game for you.

On the largest setting of your mincer, pass through venison, rabbit, pheasant, pork and fat

At the pub we confit the livers and hearts and put them into the terrine whole to create an interesting cross section when the terrine is sliced and served. Alternatively you could mince them into the mix. To confit salt livers, hearts and kidneys over night, next morning wash off salt, warm a little duck fat in a saucepan. Add offal and cover with tin foil, then cook in the oven on 160 C or until tender.

Mix together with crushed juniper berries, thyme, garlic and salt and pepper

Cover with cling film and allow to infuse over night in the fridge

Line a terrine mould with tin foil, triple folded for strength, with extra overhang to allow you to remove the terrine in one piece when cold

Layer pancetta into terrine mould with overhang pieces for the top, overlapping each other

Press the mince firmly into the mould to ensure a smooth shape

Add confit offal randomly if using

Top with bays leaves and cover with remaining pancetta

Cover top of terrine with foil

Bake in the oven at 160 C for about 2 hours in a water bath

To test if cooked insert a metal skewer into the centre of the terrine. It should come out hot if the terrine is cooked.

When cooked remove from water bath and leave to cook slightly

About an hour later place a heavy object on top of the terrine to press it down. We use an old house brick covered in tin foil and cling film.

Your terrine will taste better over time, so remember to make a few days in advance

To serve

Remove the terrine from the mould using the foil handles, and carefully feel off the tip foil, trying to retain the jelly around the terrine.

Cut into thick slices, (1 – 2 cm each).

Dribble a little olive oil onto the surface of the terrine (to enhance colour and make shiny) with a fresh grind of black pepper.

Serve with char grilled hot toast and bramley apple chutney 

To contact The Wellington Arms please visit their website:




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