In the UK October is one of the most exciting months of the year to be deer stalking, Peter Jones explains why. 

Red Rut Licensed 1

With the end of summer, I suspect that some people may be feeling a little low, not me, my favourite time of year has arrived! I absolutely love autumn, the red and gold hue of the countryside, the faint ‘whiff’ of open fires, the crunch of leaves under foot and the unbridled excitement that comes with the start of the rut.

October represents the best of deer stalking in the UK, amongst the deer, tempers begin to fray, sparring breaks-out and there is an almost tangible excitement that accompanies the first ‘bellow’ of the UK’s largest wild mammals, as they voice their first challenge to rival males.

With all of this commotion going on, it is easy to forget that there are more indistinct changes afoot amongst the smaller deer species. Roebuck, who have been inactive during September, begin to become more active as the older males awake from their post-rut repose and the young bucks experience a temporary rise in testosterone in what is commonly described as the ‘Faux-rut’. Even the diminutive Muntjac are now in hard antler and become more visible as the understorey begins to reduce.

In Scotland on the ‘open hill’ and in the forests, not only are hunters able to experience the very pinnacle of the Red rut, they are also able to make a flying start on the hinds, as the season for stags ends one hour after sunset on the 20th October and recommences one hour before sunrise on the 21st October with the hinds.

Stalkers in England and Wales will have to wait another ten days until the start of November before they can tackle the females, something which simply adds to the excitement of October.

On a personal note and in a change from the norm this year, I will be travelling further north beyond the highlands of Scotland to enjoy the best of the season in central Norway where I will be experiencing the thrill of hunting Elk and Capercaillie in another of Europe’s most stunning landscapes. I simply cannot wait.

If you’d like to book stalking during this high-point in the year then contact us on 0203 981 0159 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you’d like to be able to access unique opportunities like Norway then why not consider joining the club, you can apply here: apply-now

Peter Jones 150In Season in England & Wales:  Fallow Buck, Roebuck, Muntjac Buck & Doe, Sika Stag, Red Stag. 

Off Season in England & Wales:  Fallow Doe, Roe Doe, Sika Hind, Red Hind, CWD.   

In/Off Seasons in Scotland: Roe Buck, Red Stag, Sika Stag, (Until 20th Oct only). Fallow Buck in season throughout October - Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Sika Hind, Red Hind are in season from the 21st October.

(Peter Jones - editor)   




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