20% discount on training as new Natural Environment (Scotland Bill) is expected to make deer stalking qualifications mandatory in Scotland.
It seems that, everyone in Scotland that shoots deer will now soon be expected to have completed mandatory training.
County Deer Stalking has spoken out against mandatory qualifications before, but nonetheless proposals in the new ‘Natural Environment (Scotland) Bill’ are expected to result in a legal requirement that everyone managing deer in Scotland must have achieved a baseline level of competence.
We fully appreciate the annoyance and frustration that this will cause to thousands of Scottish deer stalkers who do not currently have a deer management certificate. These individuals will now likely be left with no option other than to complete either a Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate PDS1 or DSC1.
To lessen the burden, the Shooting & Hunting Academy has stepped in to help.
NatureScot have confirmed that Proficient Deer Stalking Certificates Level 1 & 2 (PDS1 & PDS2) can be used to apply for ‘Fit & Competent’ registration.
So, for the next three (3) months, all applicants from Scotland will be given a 20% discount on the PDS1 online course via the Shooting & Hunting Academy.
To be eligible for the discount, candidates, must have a registered address in Scotland. This will entitle them to the full discount using code: SCOTT25
What’s more there are no delays, it’s a simple straight forward process. Through the Shooting & Hunting Academy and the support of numerous practical in field assessors (AV’s) available throughout Scotland, the Shooting & Hunting Academy is able to meet the immediate demand of thousands of deer stalkers, without the delay associated with other forms of certification.
At County Deer Stalking we have been very clear that we do not support mandatory qualification, but now that the trajectory of the Scottish Government appears to be clear, we recommend that those in Scotland who wish to manage and stalk deer, get ahead of proposed legislative changes.
Follow this link to enrol and get started on the Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1: Proficient Deer Stalking Course - PDS1