Ewan Dryburgh sets off in the depths of the Scottish Winter to produce a superb film about Bothy culture.


Bothy is a Scottish word meaning mountain shelter. Whilst traditionally associated with the Scottish Highlands, there are in fact around a hundred Bothies in operation in some of the most remote areas of the United Kingdom.  

Bothies are designed for the purpose of sheltering hikers and hunters from rapid and extreme changes in weather and are left open and available to those that require shelter from the elements.

The following short film by Ewan Dryburgh is a visual treat for those that love the wilder parts of the UK and introduces the viewer to one such Bothy in the Scottish Highlands. Here Ewan Dryburgh spends the night and captures the mood and tales told by passing travellers.  

Ewan Dryburgh takes up the story:

"It was my good friend Myrddin Irwin that first introduced me to Bothies when he started a photography project on Bothy culture. The following film is designed as an extension to his project and brings with it sights and sounds that photography alone cannot provide.  

The trip was to involve a long hike in on foot, so packing light with just the bare essentials, we set off.  The only worry plaguing our minds, as we trudged ever closer was, is anyone going to be there, and if so who?

As we set off during the depths of the Scottish winter to the first of several Bothies, we were counting on good luck. Fortunately determination and persistency paid off as two engineers and three seventy year old hikers joined us for a night in ‘Hutchisons Bothy’, this film is an insight into Bothy life".

Click on the following Link to watch the film: https://vimeo.com/96444615

For more information about Deer Stalking in Scotland follow this link: outings-scotland




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